Do our customer like MVP (Minimum Valuable Product)?

The main goal of Scrum is to have product that meets customer expectation and finally satisfied customer, In order to be sure we are following customer needs products are released in stages. So what is MVP (Minimum Valuable Product)? This is product increment that should meet minimal customer expectation and is functional. The main goal for MVP

is to get early feedback on our product and make further decicion about the future enhancement. That is the theory. When going to practise this is not easy. Below you can find the most common misunderstandings when planning and realizing MVP:

1. MVP is NOT a way to have functional product faster - This is very common bad assumption by our customer. This needs to be clearly communicated to customer that MVP is first step and it is functional however will not probably contain some less important features. We need to ask customer for opinion about the MVP version and customer should be ready for giving us feedback.

2. MVP is NOT a prototype -  Dev team need to understand that creating the MVP is not prototyping. Code and quality gates should be the same as for any other product. Also architecture should be created very carefully and need to be as elastic as it is possible. This is very hard to design the product when we don't know the full functionality.

3. MVP is NOT final version - I have met several time dev team very upset when "great and wonderful" design and architecture of the product need to be changed dramatically when new requirements come. That is the beuty of the software need to be adjusted to day be day changing word. In case of MVP we can also be prepared for total rework of the MVP once this is not meet the client expectation.. And...we need to be grateful for that. In the waterfall model we will get this feedback after 1 year of development and with MVP we have this after 1-2 months.

So keep calms and build MVP :)


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